Our facility is a warm, inviting, cozy, and secure environment that provides the perfect level of safety, comfort, and privacy as you receive treatment and get on your path to wellness. We’ve designed our space to allow for a low-stress environment where you can focus on your well-being.

Given the concerns of the COVID pandemic, we’re ensuring procedures are followed to create a clean environment for our patients, staff, and visitors. We’ve gone above and beyond CDC and New Jersey State guidance to design our cleaning and disinfecting protocol so that there is no question of the cleanliness and safety of our facility.

You’re here to get well and our priority is maintaining a safe, clean, peaceful, and welcoming environment for you to do just that.

To see our response to Covid-19, click here.

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The Quantum
Process Outpatient Rehab NJ

1. Make the Call

Contact our Quantum Team at
(609) 993 – 0733 to get started.

2. Complete
Your Intake

This streamlined process includes a series of questions and discussion of your unique needs and goals.

3. Get the Best Care Team Possible

After your intake, you’ll meet your Care Team, a group of amazing professionals dedicated to helping you make recovery reality.

4. On-Going Support

After you meet your Care Team, you’ll start to receive treatment based on a Care Plan that’s designed to help you achieve and sustain your recovery.

The Quantum
Process Outpatient Rehab NJ

1. Make the Call

Contact our Quantum Team at
(609) 993 – 0733 to get started.

Sober Living in Toms River

Recovering from a substance use disorder is an ongoing process. That’s another way of saying that the condition can’t be cured, but it can be successfully managed so long as recovering individuals abstain from using drugs or alcohol. Maintaining abstinence, as high relapse rates indicate, can be challenging to maintain. A person has to abstain from using 100% of the time–not just most of the time. One slip can derail their recovery, pulling them out of ‘remission’ and back into a pattern of alcohol or drug abuse.

The early days of recovery–the first year–can be a difficult part of the recovery experience as people are only just learning how to manage their condition and struggling to apply the management strategies they learned in rehab to their situation. Triggers to use can be powerful. Many people may still feel cravings to use even after they complete the detox process. That’s why many people choose to live in sober living housing while they’re enrolled in outpatient treatment programs or after they’ve completed them.

Just because someone completed their residential treatment program or intensive outpatient program doesn’t mean they feel entirely ready to return to their former home and life. With sober living communities or recovery housing in Toms River, NJ, or surrounding areas, people can reside in a safe and supportive home environment that’s free from drugs and alcohol. It’s often an important part of the recovery journey for many people who have a substance use disorder or dual diagnosis.

Though similar to halfway houses in some respects, sober housing focuses on addiction recovery and often features alcohol and drug abuse aftercare programming. Although Quantum Behavioral Health is an outpatient treatment center for substance use disorders and dual diagnosis, we can help clients find sober living homes to reside at while they’re undergoing substance abuse treatment or after they’ve completed inpatient treatment or outpatient programs but still require the level of support that Toms River, New Jersey sober living housing can provide.

Benefits of Sober Living with Quantum Behavioral Health

Residing for a time in sober living housing can be advantageous to people recovering from drug or alcohol addiction. One benefit of sober living housing in Toms River is that the homes forbid drugs or alcohol. Unlike someone’s home setting where other occupants may drink or use drugs, a sober home is strictly alcohol and drug-free, so there are fewer temptations to use drugs and alcohol. Many sober living housing programs require residents to take periodic drug tests to ensure that they are complying with the program’s rules. This type of testing can help them keep their recovery on track.

A sober living home offers residents a supportive environment. Other residents that live in the home are also recovering from drug or alcohol addiction and practicing the strategies needed to maintain their recovery progress. Many people addicted to drugs and alcohol do not have a supportive home environment, and that can pose a problem for their recovery. Support from other residents can be helpful during stressful times.

A successful addiction recovery journey is often dependent on an individual’s life skills and their ability to manage the stresses associated with daily living. In a transitional sober home environment, they can work on building their life skills with the support of other residents and the housing staff. Many sober living housing programs feature special workshops or group meetings designed to help residents improve their life skills and even their vocational skill sets.

While an alcohol and drug rehab center provides clients with the therapy they need to achieve recovery, a sober home affords clients the opportunity to practice the skills they learned in rehab in an independent living environment, albeit a supportive environment. This makes for a transitional period that can support long-term recovery.

Why Choose Quantum Behavioral Health for Sober Living in Toms River

Quantum Behavioral Health is a leading Toms River, NJ, drug and alcohol rehab that offers outpatient treatment programs, including partial hospitalization programs and intensive outpatient programs. Although our recovery center does not offer inpatient treatment or sober transitional housing, several of our network partnering addiction treatment centers do. We routinely refer clients to sober housing programs in the Toms River, New Jersey area that are ideal for their recovery needs.

Some clients require multiple levels of care when recovering from substance abuse problems. Residential treatment is ideal for clients who need rehab detox and 24-hour support. After completing rehab detox treatment or inpatient programs, clients often transition to outpatient treatment centers in Toms River like Quantum for further addiction treatment or support for a cooccurring disorder as well as therapies like family therapy or additional behavioral therapy.

Sober housing is another layer of support for people in recovery from addictions to drugs and alcohol. While living in sober living facilities, residents often continue attending rehab centers for ongoing treatment. Many residents choose to participate in 12step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. Whether recovering from opioid addiction, alcohol addiction, or some other form of substance abuse addiction, people generally need the support of aftercare at least for a period of time as they transition back to their everyday lives. Our treatment center can help clients find sober living arrangements as well as aftercare programming that suits their ongoing recovery plan.

Women’s Sober Living Toms River

Sober living facilities often feature specific housing programs for women and men. Programming focuses on issues that often affect women in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. For instance, many women may share the same underlying cause of addiction or struggle to cope with similar triggers. Many women also suffer from a cooccurring disorder in similar ways. By living together and working to cope together, women in sober housing programs can support one another. Many build lasting friendships.

If you are interested in living in a residential transitional housing facility, Quantum can help you find a women’s only program in or near Toms River or Ocean County. Some women may only live in these settings for a few months. Others may choose to reside in a sober home for a year. Once residents feel stable and able to continue their recovery independently, they can return to their former homes or begin afresh with a new home.

Men’s Sober Living Toms River

Just like women share many similar issues related to alcohol and drug abuse, so do men. Sober living communities for men also feature programs and aftercare that support men’s recovery needs. Living in a supportive environment with other men allows the residents to share experiences, relate to one another, and help another keep their recovery goals on track. Things like individual therapy or couples therapy are important to those in recovery, but the group support aspect of addiction treatment and sober living also supports the recovery process.

Quantum can help men recovering from drug and alcohol addiction by referring them to men’s sober housing programs in the area. Relapse prevention is a core of our drug and alcohol treatment programs. We understand that transitional housing can play an important role in the ongoing recovery process for many men who may not have supportive home environments or who still feel vulnerable to relapse. Spending time living in a sober facility with the support of other residents can provide them with a strong foundation for building their independent life.

Aftercare & Alumni Support

Aftercare and alumni support are often integral to successful recovery journeys. Once individualized treatment at a recovery center ends, people’s recovery process still continues. People will have stressful days. They may struggle with triggers at times or experience powerful cravings. Aftercare and alumni programming provides ongoing support for clients, helping them to maintain their recovery progress. Our treatment facility offers this type of ongoing support.

During our alumni support programs, clients will have the opportunity to share their positive and negative experiences as they rebuild their lives. They can get professional support for problems they’re facing–problems that threaten their recovery process. Problems with work, relationships, or mental health conditions can be extremely stressful. To prevent relapse, individuals must contend with their problems in healthy ways, which is where ongoing support at our rehab in Toms River can help.

Our caring team of therapists and clinicians will continue to help clients build on their recovery management skills and cope with their individual struggles. Some clients may also need additional trauma therapy or individual therapy for their dual diagnosis. Again, this ongoing therapy can be a form of maintenance that helps them keep their recovery process moving forward.

If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol, get in touch with Quantum Behavioral Health to learn more about our outpatient programs and aftercare. We can also help you find sober housing in the Toms River, NJ, area. Sober living can play an important role in your recovery process. Visit us to discuss our program options and let us help you design a recovery plan that suits your needs.