Our facility is a warm, inviting, cozy, and secure environment that provides the perfect level of safety, comfort, and privacy as you receive treatment and get on your path to wellness. We’ve designed our space to allow for a low-stress environment where you can focus on your well-being.

Given the concerns of the COVID pandemic, we’re ensuring procedures are followed to create a clean environment for our patients, staff, and visitors. We’ve gone above and beyond CDC and New Jersey State guidance to design our cleaning and disinfecting protocol so that there is no question of the cleanliness and safety of our facility.

You’re here to get well and our priority is maintaining a safe, clean, peaceful, and welcoming environment for you to do just that.

To see our response to Covid-19, click here.

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The Quantum
Process Outpatient Rehab NJ

1. Make the Call

Contact our Quantum Team at
(609) 993 – 0733 to get started.

2. Complete
Your Intake

This streamlined process includes a series of questions and discussion of your unique needs and goals.

3. Get the Best Care Team Possible

After your intake, you’ll meet your Care Team, a group of amazing professionals dedicated to helping you make recovery reality.

4. On-Going Support

After you meet your Care Team, you’ll start to receive treatment based on a Care Plan that’s designed to help you achieve and sustain your recovery.

The Quantum
Process Outpatient Rehab NJ

1. Make the Call

Contact our Quantum Team at
(609) 993 – 0733 to get started.

2. Complete
Your Intake

This streamlined process includes a series of questions and discussion of your unique needs and goals.

3. Get the Best Care Team Possible

After your intake, you’ll meet your Care Team, a group of amazing professionals dedicated to helping you make recovery reality.

4. On-Going Support

After you meet your Care Team, you’ll start to receive treatment based on a Care Plan that’s designed to help you achieve and sustain your recovery.

Residential Drug Rehab Program in Toms River

Quantum Behavioral Health is a leading Toms River, NJ, outpatient addiction treatment center. We offer treatment for substance use disorders and dual diagnosis. Our treatment approaches are varied and include clinically driven, evidence-based addiction treatments as well as holistic and alternative treatment approaches like art and music therapy, acupuncture, and integration to 12step programs. What sets us apart is our devoted care team, individualized treatment plans, and broad range of addiction treatments. Although we do not provide inpatient rehab, our network partners near Toms River, New Jersey do. We can refer clients to our partners’ top-rated addiction treatment centers for residential treatment.

What Is Inpatient Rehab?

Unlike partial hospitalization programs and intensive outpatient programs IOPs where clients live at home, inpatient rehab is a residential treatment path. Clients reside at their treatment facility through the duration of their treatment program. Inpatient rehab is ideal for clients who are highly unstable and very vulnerable to relapse, which often occurs during the initial stages of recovery. After completing inpatient medical detox or an inpatient rehab program, many clients transition to outpatient addiction treatment as they transition back to their everyday lives.

What Is Inpatient Rehab Like?

Inpatient rehab is highly structured with therapy sessions offered during the morning and afternoon. Some inpatient addiction treatment centers may feature evening group sessions or individual therapy if needed. Clients remain at their treatment facility for meals and to sleep. The inpatient experience affords them the opportunity to focus on their recovery process without outside distractions. During Toms River rehab, clients can expect to participate in one-on-one treatments with their therapist and group therapy.

What to Expect During Residential Rehab

During residential treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, clients can expect a high degree of support. The types of therapies offered will depend on the treatment provider in question. Quantum partners with addiction treatment centers that share our values for clinically driven alcohol and drug addiction treatments and individual therapy. Between treatment sessions, inpatient clients will have downtime when they can rest or engage in various activities offered at the recovery center. Some treatment facilities feature fitness equipment, game rooms, and other amenities that help clients relax. After completing residential rehab, clients often move on to outpatient addiction treatment for further support as they transition back to their lives and work.

How Long Does Inpatient Rehab in New Jersey Last?

A comprehensive treatment facility usually offers treatment programs in increments of 30, 60, or 90 days. It’s not uncommon for clients to transition from high-level support treatment programs like partial hospitalization programs to gradually diminishing support programs like intensive outpatient treatment. As clients become more stable and develop the skills and techniques needed to manage their addiction, they require less intensive treatment. Depending on a person’s individual needs, they may opt for a short-term rehab program or longer term drug and alcoholism treatments. Clients who undergo medical detox and dual diagnosis treatment may choose to spend additional time in their inpatient rehab or outpatient IOP to ensure they get the support they need.

30 Day Rehab

Each client is different, but most people need at least 30 days in addiction treatment to build a strong foundation for their continuing recovery. Substance use disorders require ongoing management; like mental illness, addiction isn’t a condition that can be ‘cured’ with a round of treatment. Clients must manage their condition day in and day out in order to prevent relapse. During 30-day treatment programs, clients will learn how to identify their triggers to abuse drugs and alcohol and then develop methods for controlling those triggers for reliable relapse prevention.

60 Day Rehab

It’s not uncommon for clients to remain enrolled in inpatient or outpatient programs for 60 days or longer. Spending more time in alcohol and drug treatment is associated with reduced relapse rates. With our outpatient treatment in New Jersey, clients can focus on building a strong recovery foundation. Many people choose to attend aftercare programming after completing their outpatient care as part of their ongoing recovery maintenance.

90 Day Rehab

Longer term rehab programs are ideal for individuals who need more time to achieve their recovery milestones. Clients who have abused alcohol or drugs for years, have multiple addictions, or are also suffering with dual diagnosis can particularly benefit from long-term substance abuse treatment. The recovery process can be long, but studies have shown that the more time a person spends in residential or outpatient rehab, the less likely they will experience relapse.

Executive Drug Rehab in New Jersey

At Quantum Behavioral Health, we support clients from all walks of life, including professionals. We connect with our clients no matter their occupation, income bracket, race, background, etc
Addiction can affect anyone. We provide executive-level treatment for all clients, individualizing treatment plans and maintaining a positive and healthy environment for all. Our recovery center boasts a highly supportive environment where clients are able to make health connections as they learn how to manage their addictions together.

Breathwork Therapy

Everyone experiences stress, but stressful situations can be especially challenging for people recovering from substance use disorders or who also suffer from a cooccurring disorder like anxiety disorder. Having a ready technique to help dispel moments of intense stress can be helpful during addiction recovery and when managing a mental illness. During breathwork therapy, clients learn how to control and focus on their breathing as a stress coping method. Combined with other addiction treatments, breathwork offers another method that clients can use to keep their recovery from skidding off track when situations get difficult.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy CBT is an evidence-based treatment that therapists use to treat substance use disorders as well as a wide range of mental health disorders like bipolar disorder or eating disorder. As a traditional therapy, it is featured in addiction treatment centers all over the country. CBT helps people to understand and explore the powerful connections between their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. With more awareness of how their feelings and thoughts can trigger unwelcome behaviors, they, along with their therapist, can develop strategies for coping with their thoughts and emotions in healthier ways. Quantum features CBT in all of our treatment programs as it forms a strong foundation for individual therapy.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

While closely related to cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy DBT focuses heavily on distress management. Clients learn to ‘tolerate’ their negative emotions with greater control in order to ward off relapse or unhealthy coping strategies. With improved emotional regulation, clients are less likely to turn to drugs and alcohol during times of stress. DBT is a medically sanctioned treatment that also forms part of Quantum’s treatment programs at all levels of care.

Family Systems Therapy

As many individuals struggling with substance abuse are aware, their loved ones often suffer too. Family therapy is a helpful way to include clients and their families in drug and alcohol rehab treatment. Family therapists help clients’ loved ones understand the nature of substance use disorders and why they are chronic conditions. Therapists help families understand what constitutes healthy support as opposed to codependency and other dysfunctional ways of relating and coping. Together, families learn how to communicate better and begin the process of repairing damaged trust. Not all clients include family therapy as part of their treatment plan, but it remains an important part of the recovery process for many.

Trauma-Informed Therapy

Trauma therapy is not only ideal for clients suffering with dual diagnosis like post traumatic stress syndrome but for any clients that have witnessed or experienced trauma, which is so often the case. Trauma can be a powerful driver of alcohol and drug abuse. Drugs and alcohol may offer a temporary escape from negative and exhausting emotions and memories. Trauma-informed therapy helps clients to cope with negative emotions and past trauma in healthy ways so that they are less likely to revert unhealthy habits like drinking or using drugs. In terms of relapse prevention, it’s an important therapy to include in a treatment plan for clients who are at greater risk of relapse because of past trauma(s).

Why Choose Quantum Behavioral Health for Residential Drug Rehab?

If you’re searching for a residential treatment facility for individuals struggling with substance use disorders, Quantum can help. While we do not offer residential rehab, we can refer you to our network partners who do offer this level of care. Our alcohol and drug rehab center in Toms River, NJ, offers outpatient programs that include partial hospitalization programs and intensive outpatient programming. If you need more support than outpatient treatments can provide, we can refer you to a treatment facility near you that can help.

Many of our clients prefer to live at home while getting a high degree of support in partial hospitalization programs, which meet daily for day-long therapy. Our intensive outpatient programs are ideal for clients who want to continue to work or care for their families while getting the addiction treatment they need to be well. Contact us to learn how we can help you succeed in your recovery goals.