Sober Living in Edison: Choose Quantum Behavioral Health

Quantum Behavioral Health is an outpatient rehabilitation center located near Edison New Jersey, offering outpatient drug rehab options for patients who cannot go away to an inpatient treatment center due to life circumstances including family obligations, being unable to take weeks or months off of work, or not being able to take time away from school programs. Outpatient rehab is also an excellent next step to take after a person has completed an inpatient detox and/or inpatient rehab program and is wanting to gradually integrate back into their everyday life with full care and continued treatments and support from professional doctors, therapists, counselors, and other addictions experts for an easier transition.

When you are in outpatient rehab, you will live outside of the treatment center as you get the help you need, commuting to the Quantum Behavioral Health outpatient rehab center for medical and psychiatric appointments, group therapy, one-on-one therapy, and other customized programming including holistic treatments, physical health care, and dual diagnosis programs for co-occurring mental health issues. Although this means living at home for some people, others may not have a safe place to live, or may not have a supportive household or a sober-friendly place to stay during this crucial point in recovery. For this reason, at Quantum we offer connections to trusted, clean, comfortable, and 100% sober residences in your area. You will be able to live in a structured and safe environment, away from the temptations of drugs and alcohol, giving you a safe “home base” to return to after spending the day out in the world, living your life.

Sober homes are all unique in what they offer and the rules they have, but all will provide you with your own space, with a guarantee that there will be no substances in the home, nor will anybody in the home be using drugs or alcohol, removing that trigger from your everyday life. When combined with an outpatient program at Quantum, a sober living home will give you the best possible chance of avoiding relapse as you transition back to work, school, and other daily responsibilities.

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The Quantum
Process Outpatient Rehab NJ

1. Make the Call

Contact our Quantum Team at
(609) 993 – 0733 to get started.

2. Complete
Your Intake

This streamlined process includes a series of questions and discussion of your unique needs and goals.

3. Get the Best Care Team Possible

After your intake, you’ll meet your Care Team, a group of amazing professionals dedicated to helping you make recovery reality.

4. On-Going Support

After you meet your Care Team, you’ll start to receive treatment based on a Care Plan that’s designed to help you achieve and sustain your recovery.

The Quantum
Process Outpatient Rehab NJ

1. Make the Call

Contact our Quantum Team at
(609) 993 – 0733 to get started.

2. Complete
Your Intake

This streamlined process includes a series of questions and discussion of your unique needs and goals.

3. Get the Best Care Team Possible

After your intake, you’ll meet your Care Team, a group of amazing professionals dedicated to helping you make recovery reality.

4. On-Going Support

After you meet your Care Team, you’ll start to receive treatment based on a Care Plan that’s designed to help you achieve and sustain your recovery.

Benefits of Sober Living with Quantum Behavioral Health

When you are in inpatient rehab, you have 24-hour supervision and are fully removed from the stress, triggers, and temptations that everyday life provides. At Quantum, we offer outpatient programs with connections to sober homes, so that you can retain your safety and comfort as you move forward in life, putting your new recovery skills to the test in the “real world” while having full support and care when you need it from your house manager, sober roommates, and our sober treatment center.

Our team will connect you with safe homes in your area, with the option for women’s only or men’s only homes, and we make it easy for you. We have a streamlined process that begins the moment you call us at (609) 993-0733, getting you into one of our customized and comprehensive outpatient treatment programs right away, and helping you find a trusted sober residence if you need it, so you can get out of danger and onto your road to recovery as quickly as possible.

We have three levels of care in our outpatient treatment plans, so we can meet you at your level, tailoring your program to your needs. These levels are:

  1. Partial Care (PC) – This is our most intensive program, with a minimum of 20 hours per week of treatments including behavioral health, mental health, medical, and emotional health treatments, along with holistic care for a full patient approach to healing that treats your body, mind, and spirit. This level of care is a good choice for those with a mental illness or PTSD who do not need 24-hour care, as we provide dual diagnosis treatment and other care during the daytime, but you will return home or to your sober living home after the day is over.
  2. Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) – the IOP is a drug and alcohol rehab program designed to help our patients to return to their lives, their families, their jobs, and other responsibilities efficiently but safely, without rushing anybody into anything they are not ready for. This program is for those with their mental health and physical health issues under control. Treatments are provided around normal workdays, given in the mornings, the evenings, and after school. At Quantum, our IOP program is a minimum commitment of 9 hours per week.
  3. Outpatient Program (OP) – outpatient rehab is not a one-size-fits-all program, and as such, once you have gotten the hang of your intensive outpatient treatment and feel ready to taper down the amount of care you are getting per week, you may wish to transition into a customized outpatient program. This way, you will still have connections to the same therapists, groups, doctors, and other treatment providers, but you can live a regular life while returning home or remaining in the sober living home.

Staying in a sober home while in outpatient treatment at Quantum provides you with a 100% sober environment, with consistent reinforcement of the lessons and skills you are learning in rehab. The homes are usually in quiet and peaceful neighborhoods, where you can develop your life skills and your coping skills as you get the rest you need. You will also have plenty of support in a sober home, with sober roommates who are dealing with similar issues as you are. You will have the opportunity to work on healthy life habits, and forge connections within sober peer groups, 12-step programs, and alumni groups in your area.

Why Choose Quantum Behavioral Health for Sober Living in Edison

Quantum Recovery is the top-rated addiction treatment facility for residents of Edison because we have a safe and private facility that is comfortable and inviting, with caring staff who are non-judgmental and truly want to help you. You can come for your therapy, drug, and alcohol rehab programming, and other care including holistic treatments like meditation, yoga, art therapy, and music therapy, alongside evidence-based behavioral treatments and traditional counseling methods for a whole-patient approach to healing, then return to the sober living home in the evening to rest. Sober living homes offer stability and care as you live your life, and when combined with the treatments and programs provided at Quantum, you will have strong support any time, day, or night, with the flexibility you need to start living your life again as a sober individual.

Women’s Sober Living Edison

At Quantum Behavioral Health, we recognize that the different genders may have unique concerns, and we are happy to provide references to women’s only and men’s only sober living homes in your area. In the women-only home, you will be able to address the gender-specific challenges that come with sobriety as a woman in our society. This includes:

  • Challenging and overcoming gender-based stigmas
  • Avoiding the sexual harassment, silencing, and stereotyping that sometimes occurs in mixed company, with a space that is safe from sexual, emotional, and physical abuse
  • Societal pressures as a mother, including childcare issues, custody issues, and other complex family services
  • Addressing underlying trauma and issues that surround abuse
  • Building independence and confidence, learning to live life, including skills that will empower you to live independently without relying on others
  • Providing freedom of expression and connections to a sober community of like-minded women
  • An environment where you can safely focus on healing and recovery, and plan your sober future in peace

Men’s Sober Living Edison

In a men’s only sober living residence, gender stereotypes, gender-specific stigmas, and toxic masculinity are issues that are often addressed and worked on as you live in a male-only home. You will have the freedom to work on yourself, express emotion and pain, and learn to live independently within a safe and non-judgmental environment, surrounded by male peers, gaining new sober friendships and learning to have fun and live a rich, full life without the use of drugs or alcohol. Combined with the treatments and therapy provided at Quantum Behavioral Health, living in a men’s only sober living home will give you the best chance of overcoming your substance use disorder once and for all.

Aftercare & Alumni Support

Addiction is not something that truly ever completely goes away. This is why many recovery groups say you need to take it one day at a time. Sobriety is a commitment you make to yourself every single day, and to be able to put your recovery first, you may need further support after your rehab program is complete. This is where aftercare and alumni support groups come in. Attending meetings and groups and keeping up with your sober friendships and other connections will provide you with the motivation to continue, especially during those difficult times when you encounter a trigger or end up in a situation where it would be easy to relapse.

A community of like-minded peers will help you stay on track in your recovery. With Quantum, we provide easy access to 12-step groups, support programs, aftercare therapy, social services, and continued counseling options. Please call now to get started on your cost-effective, comprehensive treatment program. We can verify your insurance, answer any questions you may have, and provide resources on sober living homes in your area.