Drug abuse is a severe problem in the United States. People are dying from overdoses every day, and it’s time for something to be done about it. Drug Detox In New Jersey is here to help you get clean and sober again with their detox services that have helped many other individuals regain control of their lives.

What is Drug Detoxification and How Can It Treat Substance Abuse in New Jersey?
When you quit using a drug, whether abruptly or gradually, your body goes through a withdrawal process to remove the drug from your system, long-term drug or alcohol use alters the brain’s “normal,” making it dependent on the substance to reach a high or euphoric state, or an unstable, relaxed condition. A person’s brain responds to medicine after they ingest it. Whether it’s to block pain, generate a buzzing or high sensation, or alter your thinking, the medication adapts and establishes a dependence on it if used long enough.
When you quit using the medicine, your body must return to its previous “normal,” which takes time. Meanwhile, your body begins to sense the impacts of not having the medication in its bloodstream and, if you will, begins to resist. Detoxification is the process of removing the substance from the body so that the brain can make the necessary changes.
Why is it vital to go through drug detox?
Drug addiction is a long-term condition defined by obsessive or uncontrollable drug seeking and use despite adverse effects and long-term brain alterations. These brain alterations may contribute to the hazardous behaviors found in drug users. Addiction to medicines is a relapsing condition. Relapse is the resumption of drug usage after a period of abstinence.
The voluntary act of using drugs is the first step on the road to substance abuse. However, a person’s capacity to refuse to do so grows with time. The act of seeking out and consuming the substance has become obsessive. This is primarily due to the long-term consequences of drug use on brain function. Parts of the brain involved in reward and motivation, learning and memory, and behavior regulation are all affected by addiction.
Addiction is a condition that affects the brain and the behavior of the individual. And, to properly treat addiction, we must first comprehend it on both a behavioral and biochemical level.
Detoxification is a process that involves the removal of drugs from the body.
Professional detoxification from alcohol and other substances consists of three main elements:
- Clinical doctors at a detoxification facility thoroughly evaluate a patient’s physical and psychological health and history. A person’s acute intoxication and withdrawal potential, as well as biological abnormalities, may be determined at the first exam. Based on the examination results, clinical doctors might recommend a detoxifying level of care and create a customized treatment strategy for clients.
- Stabilization entails a detox center sticking to a personalized treatment plan and suggested therapies and medications to assist a patient in safely withdrawing from substances.
- Facilitating a patient’s admittance to a longer-term drug abuse treatment program can help them stay sober and avoid relapse. Because it overlooks substance dependence’s complex psychological and social dimensions, detox alone is rarely adequate to help someone maintain long-term sobriety. Detoxification therapy has a clear purpose of preparing clients for the next best phase of treatment, which might be short-term residential treatment, long-term residential treatment, or outpatient care.
Although some of the most common detoxification components and aims, individuals’ unique goals, therapy length, and overall treatment procedures may differ, in a professional detoxification center, numerous drugs may be used to assist a patient manage their withdrawal symptoms safely and in a controlled setting.
What Detoxification Options Are Available in Treatment Centers?
- Cold Turkey
The term “cold turkey detox” refers to abruptly discontinuing to ingest the addictive drug without any assistance. Compared to a professional drug detox program, the detox process is uncontrolled and poses a health risk to the patient. F
- Rapid
To properly watch the patient and offer therapy for full recovery, detox programs might run up to a few weeks. A quick detox involves putting the patient under anesthesia and cutting the detox procedure down to a few hours of drug elimination.
- Detox Kits for Use at Home
At-home detox kits are primarily used to detoxify the body rather than help people overcome addiction. Before employing at-home detox treatments, it is recommended that you obtain medical advice.
- Holistic Approaches
Integrating emotional, physical, and spiritual therapy is part of a holistic approach to drug recovery. Massage therapy and yoga, for example, are prominent modalities employed in many detox programs.
- Detoxification with Medical Assistance
To assist a patient overcome reliance, this procedure necessitates using a replacement substance. Buprenorphine/Naltrexone, Suboxone, and Benzodiazepines are among the most frequent, yet it has been proven that these treatments are insufficient to heal a patient entirely.
Withdrawal During Addiction Treatment
When a person takes a substance regularly, they are more prone to develop physical dependency over time. Physical dependency is the body’s natural response to the presence of a drug, and once it has evolved to a substantial degree, the body requires the medication to operate normally.
Withdrawal symptoms are likely to appear when someone dependent on a drug abruptly stops or drastically lowers their use. Withdrawal symptoms differ per drug, and some might be moderately unpleasant while others can be life-threatening. The symptoms of withdrawal from popular medications are listed below.
Symptoms of Withdrawal inside Treatment Centers in New Jersey
Opioids (heroin and pharmaceutical painkillers, for example):
- Muscle pain
- I’m getting goosebumps.
- Fever
- Sweating has increased.
- Nausea/vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Runny nose and watery eyes
- yawning excessively
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Insomnia
- A depressed state of mind
Xanax, Ativan, Valium, Ambien, and other sedatives, hypnotic, or anxiolytic medicines (e.g., Xanax, Ativan, Valium, Ambien):1
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Pulse rate has increased
- Sweating excessively
- Nausea/vomiting
- Pacing is an example of an unintentional and purposeless movement.
- Hallucinations or illusions
- Tremors
- Seizures
Stimulants (such as cocaine, methamphetamine, Ritalin, and Adderall):1
- Nightmares
- Fatigue
- Hypersomnia or insomnia
- Appetite increase
- Slow motions and contemplation
- Anhedonia is a condition in which a person is unable to experience pleasure.
- Depression
- Suicidal thoughts or actions
How Long does it take to complete addiction treatment programs?
The length of time it takes to detox from a drug varies by substance and even drug class. The substance’s half-life (which influences the average duration of drug effects), the mode of administration, the frequency of use, and the typical dose used are all factors that influence the emergence and response of withdrawal symptoms. While some drugs produce immediate withdrawal symptoms, others do not:
- Withdrawal symptoms for stimulant medicines usually emerge between a few hours to a few days following the last dosage.
- Withdrawal symptoms from sedatives can develop as soon as a few hours or as late as several days after the last usage. Withdrawal symptoms for someone addicted to Xanax may emerge 6-8 hours after the last dosage and improve by the 4th or 5th day. Meanwhile, withdrawal symptoms with Valium can last up to a week after the previous dosage and might take 3-4 weeks to overcome.
- Symptoms of opiate substances like heroin and painkillers usually appear 6-12 hours after the most recent intake and disappear within 5-7 days.
- Long-acting opioids, such as methadone, may have a more prolonged and more delayed onset of symptoms, with symptoms occurring 2-4 days after the last dosage and taking longer to disappear completely.
- After quitting or lowering alcohol intake, withdrawal symptoms usually appear from a few hours to several days.
The degree of withdrawal will differ from person to person. The severity and chronology of symptoms are influenced by a person’s physiology, age, gender, and mental and physical health. Similarly, the duration of withdrawal symptoms since the provision of medicine in a medical detox environment may extend the process. In contrast, a social detox program does not interfere medically.
Drug Detoxification Advantages
- Loss of weight
Personal trainers have played a significant role in media outlets highlighting the necessity of eating properly to lose weight and reduce calories. Several people have begun a drug detoxification program to shed some physical weight temporarily. The most excellent method to regulate and enhance the quality of your health and general welfare is to devote time and energy to improving the quality of your life. Regardless, consider drug detoxification benefits as a weight-loss approach while maintaining a balanced eating regimen and continuous exercise program. In that case, you may find that you gain better lifestyles in the long term.
- Removes Excess Waste from the Body
By employing Drug Detoxification as a technique of maintaining our bodies free of extra hazardous toxins, such as heavy metals, chemicals, or prescription pharmaceuticals, we may transmit the poisons from the body to us. Regular detoxification will enhance the function of your liver, kidneys, and colon, in addition to boosting your health by allowing your body to clear itself of these residues. The quantity of toxins reintroduced into the body is reduced when the intestines and liver are clean. Drug detoxification is further slowed by the general pace at which poisons are reintroduced into the body.
- Immunity is boosted by detoxification.
The regular drug detoxification process aids in the proper functioning of the body’s organs, which can help you regain control of your health. The lymphatics and lymph nodes in this system work together to improve the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, allowing the immune system to be strengthened and protect you against infections.
- Detoxification will improve the appearance and feel of your skin.
Detoxing not only helps with acne but can also assist with other skin issues, including hair loss. Because your skin makes up such a large part of your body, a promising drug detoxification program will make you seem healthier and more refined as individual drug detox. Sweating any pollutants helps speed up the removal process since heat causes toxins to release.
- Detoxing aids in the cessation of bad habits.
Definitely! Drug detoxification can save a person’s life if they are addicted to sugar, coffee, or starch or very reliant on sugar, caffeine, or starch. Assume you forgo unhealthy foods in favor of more nutritious ones. As a result, you will notice an improvement in your health and well-being. Diseases including diabetes and coronary artery disease, as well as drug detoxification, will be less likely.
- Enhances mental fortitude
I feel that removing poisons from our bodies and purifying our brains will benefit us not just physically but also psychologically. Drug detoxification allows you to think more clearly and precisely, helping you face life’s issues with greater clarity. We prefer to eat high-fat, high-sugar meals to compensate for the excess salt, making us foggy and tired. When we are overcome with emotions that confuse our intellect, it might be tough to think about drug detoxification.
Beyond Drug Addiction Therapy at Rehab Centers
A drug detoxification class addresses severe and temporary sickness; mental and social viewpoints and actual social perspectives must be altered, and an individual’s opinion on drug addiction’s cognitive and social elements must be formed. A person who completes a medication-assisted treatment program does not always have complete drug detoxification recovery. It might imply that the focal component has resolved by the end of the therapy. After completing the program, the graduate may use the information and skills they gained throughout treatment to prepare for future drug detoxification.
Because patients are released from regular treatment and therapy for drug misuse, avoiding relapse is considerably more crucial during post-treatment therapy outpatient ways than in earlier treatments. If a person is at the most severe stage of drug detoxification, they must build a firm foundation for their life to avoid developing mental health problems and relying on others. Furthermore, to assist customers in recovering more efficiently and swiftly.
The following steps can be taken to ensure that addiction treatment services progresses:
- Participate in healthy social situations that do not imply the use of drugs.
- Spend time with people who aren’t on drugs and provide a healthy informal community.
- Remember the ordered living environment of treatment and use it as a template or guideline for creating a timetable that supports efficient time management.
- Maintain active inspiration to avoid being engrossed in dull routines that can deteriorate mood and cause a relapse.
Similarly, investing in a 12-Step program such as Narcotics Anonymous (NA) may aid in drug detoxification and serve as a recovery asset. In meetings, you can obtain more in-depth support for drug misuse while gradually enduring more localized drug detoxification. The religious program has attracted attention for a long time. It can bring about a personal shift that focuses on getting a pharmaceutical abuser to the side of forbearance and keeping him there.
Many components of drug misuse recovery therapy for drug users are interdependent, as evidenced by the research. As a result, a treatment program that focuses just on drug detoxification may be myopic and fail to address the likelihood of recurrence. Currently, the objective is to get a prescription medicine out of the system by removing it from the body. However, even this significant advancement should recognize the need for a long-term feasible treatment approach. Drug detoxification, treatment, and intervention techniques, when used together, can help with all elements of drug misuse to advise on how to ensure that abstinence is not only attained but also maintained.
Where can I Find an Appropriate Program?
If you want to start a detox program but don’t know where to start, you may always ask your doctor or therapist for ideas on different clinics in your region. You’ll want to perform your research on the many sorts of detox services available once you’ve got some recommendations. It’s critical to identify your treatment objectives so that you can select the program that is the most fantastic fit for you. When phoning several detox programs, you might wish to ask the following questions:
- What type of detox is used (social or medical)?
- What is the average duration of the program?
- How much does the program cost?
- Does the program accept insurance? If so, what are your plans?
- What are the qualifications of the employees?
- What facilities and services are available?
- Is there a difference between private and shared rooms?
- Is the treatment team able to assist individuals in their transition to addiction treatment?
The preceding questions are not exhaustive, but they should help you begin searching for the best detox program for your circumstances. Each program will have its own set of benefits and drawbacks.
Learn about your options and choose the best environment for you.
You have several alternatives when it comes to drug detox. They are as follows:
- Medically controlled inpatient detox: This is the most rigorous phase of detox, which takes place in a hospital or mental facility and involves round-the-clock therapy and supervision.
- Inpatient detox under medical supervision: You’ll get 24-hour medical treatment in a facility other than an acute care setting—usually a reputable center.
- Clinically supervised residential detox: Also known as social or natural detox, this method provides round-the-clock monitoring but does not provide continuous medical treatment instead of focusing on emotional and psychological support.
- Ambulatory detox with comprehensive onsite monitoring: Detox and therapy occur at an outpatient facility, where you’ll stay for many hours before going home.
- Ambulatory detox without comprehensive onsite monitoring: As the least intensive level available, you’ll attend appointments at a physician’s office or through a home health care agency.
People frequently finish a detox program before transitioning into a complete addiction treatment program, which can address the underlying issues that lead to drug misuse with the aid of their treatment team. The program may provide referrals or even assist you in enrolling in a program to ensure a seamless transition into treatment.
You can seek advice from any medical or mental health expert if you haven’t finished a detox program and seek an addiction treatment program. If you have insurance, you should call your provider to find out what your specific plan covers before deciding. Next, you may narrow down your search by obtaining a list of treatment programs that accept your insurance.
Addiction Treatment Services Program for Recovery
Once you’ve completed detox, you’ll most likely be judged stable enough to proceed with the rest of your drug rehab therapy. It’s vital to keep in mind that this isn’t a treatment for addiction in and of itself. Detoxification signifies that you have overcome your physical dependency on drugs rather than your psychological dependence.
It would help if you also addressed the ideas, feelings, and behaviors that cause you to use substances to sustain sobriety in the months and years ahead; this is achieved via drug addiction therapy.
Detox can occur at a separate facility before entering an addiction treatment program, or the drug abuse clinic may provide detox and treatment. It all depends on the program in question.
Drug counseling is an integral part of every treatment program, regardless of the form. Most people’s time in a treatment clinic is spent on drug therapy, including group therapy. Although there are many different forms of mental health counseling, the most common include individual, group, experiential, and family therapy.
- Individual counseling is available. The patient meets with a therapist in private to examine the root causes of their addiction. The patient and therapist collaborate to assist the patient build life plans that will help them maintain their sobriety for the rest of their lives.
- Counseling in a group setting. Folks might build a support network with other recovering individuals in the program during group sessions. For many, these sessions are the first time they have ever spoken freely and honestly about their addictions with others. Qualified therapists administer most group counseling sessions; however, community 12-step groups are sometimes led by those recovering from addiction.
- Experiential therapy is a type of treatment in which you go through Adventure therapy, art therapy, theatre therapy, music therapy, and animal-assisted treatment are all examples of experiential therapy. Rather than talking about the event, these various types of treatment concentrate on it. Therapists lead patients through exercises to gain confidence and learn to overcome challenges. These lessons may then be applied to their attitudes and actions regarding drugs and alcohol.
- Therapy for the whole family. Addiction puts a lot of strain on a family’s relationship. Family therapy is an opportunity to mend broken connections and speak with one another in a more constructive way that aids the individual’s rehabilitation.
It’s never too late to make a positive change. Don’t hesitate to contact us right away if you require assistance.
Is Detoxification Enough to Recover from Addiction?
It’s important to note that detoxing isn’t a solution for drug addiction or withdrawal symptoms, regardless of the substance. Patients suffering from addiction require psychotherapeutic treatment to address both the psychological and physical components of their addiction as a result of long-term substance abuse. Short-term detoxification may help patients quit abusing drugs and alcohol, but the risk of relapse into problematic use is considerably raised without follow-up treatment and therapy.
Detox is the first step toward recovery. Doing so in an office setting where your withdrawal symptoms and side effects can be monitored and treated will make detox more comfortable and manageable. If you’re thinking about trying something new, reach out to us. We can provide information and answers to any questions you may have as you begin your journey to recovery.