How Does Denial Affect Addiction?

Denial in addiction is when you deny or distort what is really happening. Signs of denial can include ignoring the problem, minimizing other’s concerns or blaming other people for any issues, which can lead to negative consequences. Within the context of drug addiction, denial in addiction
is used as a coping mechanism to defer facing the truth about drug or alcohol addiction. Learning to recognize and understand reality through acceptance, is key for various stages of change and planning for the future. Overcoming denial and gaining acceptance is the first step for getting alcohol and drug abuse treatment and to overcome addiction.
What Are Examples of Denial
When it comes to those struggling with substance use disorder, denial in addiction is very common. It can be very difficult for anyone to admit they are struggling with drug addiction; alcohol abuse, gambling, or any other form of addiction or substance use disorder. Denial can allow those with drug or alcohol abuse issues to make reality more flattering. Some types of denial are:
Rationalizing – those struggling with alcohol and drug addiction, will rationalize their alcohol or drug addiction, usually justifying their substance use disorder to stress management and needing a little help getting through, or that they deserve letting loose for their hard work.
Minimizing – when alcohol or drug addiction is brought up to those struggling, they may say you are exaggerating their drug and alcohol use or blowing things out of proportion. They may say things like “there are people who do way more than I do” or “I’m still keeping up with work or school, so it’s not a problem”.
Self-Deception – this is a powerful type of denial, in which they convince themselves that things are not as bad or as severe as they really are.
Blaming – blaming is a common sign of denial. Often, those with alcohol abuse and drug abuse disorder, will blame other people for their predicament. Other people are responsible for the bad things that happen in their lives and can avoid accountability, continuing denial of addiction.
What Does Denial Mean in Addiction
Individuals with a substance use disorder will continue giving in to addictive behaviors. Until they have acceptance about their drug and alcohol issues, they will cause negative consequences to their health, relationships, work, and school. They will constantly blame others for their drug abuse or alcohol abuse instead of fixing their addictive behaviors and mistakes that cause substance abuse. Overcoming denial is an important step in addiction treatment programs
Blaming and Addiction: How Can We Get Away from It?
For individuals to truly be successful in their addiction recovery, they will need to take responsibility for their addictive behaviors. If they continue to focus on blaming others for their drug abuse, they will be unlikely to get the most out of drug and alcohol rehab. Turning blame into accepting mistakes is key to overcoming denial. It is about learning from your past experiences, gaining knowledge and growing past these behaviors to go through the stages of change. Psychotherapy and other forms of addiction recovery therapy in drug and alcohol treatment programs can also help you get past the blame game.
Negative Consequence of Denial
Using denial in addiction as a coping mechanism to justify their addictive behaviors can last a few weeks for some, but for others it can be months or years. As long as they continue denial of addiction, they cannot begin drug addiction treatment and the recovery process in honesty and will often end up relapsing.
Addiction Treatment and Recovery Support at Quantum
With addiction recovery therapy and support, any person with addiction to drinking or using drugs can recover from their alcohol and drug addiction. At Quantum Behavioral Health Services our treatment center offers alcohol and drug rehab and outpatient addiction treatment. Our comprehensive outpatient addiction treatment program helps patients understand the root of their alcohol or drug addiction and co-occurring disorders through behavioral therapy and other addiction recovery treatment methods, while also developing skills and tools which helps in overcoming denial and continue to a long life of sobriety. Please give us a call today at (609) 993-0733 to learn more about our individualized treatment programs or to get started on the road to recovery.