Flexible Addiction Treatment in New Jersey

There is a common misconception among people who are ready to develop an addiction treatment plan that this type of recovery is something that comes in a “one size fits all” form. However, a person with a cocaine addiction will need a personalized treatment program in comparison to another person that is struggling with substance use disorders or a mental health issue. This is where a flexible treatment program comes into play. At Quantum, our drug or alcohol rehab program options are structured in such a way where they offer an immense amount of wiggle room so that you can continue to move forward in the recovery process and goals that you have for yourself.
Types of Flexible Addiction Treatment Programs
There are many different types of addiction treatment programs that you can choose from when you come to Quantum. One of the popular options for a rehab program that an individual may take advantage of is an inpatient treatment program. Inpatient recovery gives you the opportunity to live on the campus of our treatment facility. You will enjoy the around the clock care for your addiction treatment team and have the chance to interact with other individuals who are working through their own treatment program which is something that can help you to develop your own system of support.
Another form of treatment that you may want to consider is an outpatient treatment program. If you work or go to school part time or full time, you may find it more manageable in your schedule to work through an outpatient treatment program. An outpatient treatment program offers the most flexible forms of treatment due to the fact that you can live at home the time that you work through treatment. You will come and go from our treatment facility according to the unique schedule that our treatment team will help you to build.
Regardless of whether you opt to work through an inpatient or an outpatient treatment program, you will participate in different forms of addiction therapy which will help you to come to a better understanding of the root cause of your addiction. Although therapy is something that may feel uncomfortable, actively participating in therapy will help you to avoid falling back into the trap of addiction going forward.
Does Insurance Cover Flexible Treatment for Addiction?
When you’re considering drug detox or alcohol rehab to address your substance abuse issues, one of the understandable concerns that you may have revolves around the cost associated with your treatment plan. Keep in mind that, depending on the type of insurance you have, your private insurance may cover all of (if not most of) the cost of your inpatient treatment or outpatient treatments. Alcohol and drug rehab is something that is considered a necessity in some cases due to the fact that substance abuse is a disease.
Flexible Treatment Program at Quantum Treatment
At Quantum Treatment, we offer our clients with a myriad of levels of care that will help you to address your drug addiction or alcohol addiction. We understand the important role that inpatient treatment or outpatient rehab plays in the lives of our clients which is why we go above and beyond to offer drug and alcohol treatment that will help you to meet the goals that you have for sobriety. From helping our clients through cooccurring disorders to helping you build life skills that will help you to recover, you can rest assured that our team will be there for you and with you every step of the way. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our drug or alcohol treatment programs at (609) 993-0733.