Our facility is a warm, inviting, cozy, and secure environment that provides the perfect level of safety, comfort, and privacy as you receive treatment and get on your path to wellness. We’ve designed our space to allow for a low-stress environment where you can focus on your well-being.

Given the concerns of the COVID pandemic, we’re ensuring procedures are followed to create a clean environment for our patients, staff, and visitors. We’ve gone above and beyond CDC and New Jersey State guidance to design our cleaning and disinfecting protocol so that there is no question of the cleanliness and safety of our facility.

You’re here to get well and our priority is maintaining a safe, clean, peaceful, and welcoming environment for you to do just that.

To see our response to Covid-19, click here.

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The Quantum
Process Outpatient Rehab NJ

1. Make the Call

Contact our Quantum Team at
(609) 993 – 0733 to get started.

2. Complete
Your Intake

This streamlined process includes a series of questions and discussion of your unique needs and goals.

3. Get the Best Care Team Possible

After your intake, you’ll meet your Care Team, a group of amazing professionals dedicated to helping you make recovery reality.

4. On-Going Support

After you meet your Care Team, you’ll start to receive treatment based on a Care Plan that’s designed to help you achieve and sustain your recovery.

The Quantum
Process Outpatient Rehab NJ

1. Make the Call

Contact our Quantum Team at
(609) 993 – 0733 to get started.

2. Complete
Your Intake

This streamlined process includes a series of questions and discussion of your unique needs and goals.

3. Get the Best Care Team Possible

After your intake, you’ll meet your Care Team, a group of amazing professionals dedicated to helping you make recovery reality.

4. On-Going Support

After you meet your Care Team, you’ll start to receive treatment based on a Care Plan that’s designed to help you achieve and sustain your recovery.

Alcohol Rehab in New Jersey

Roughly 30,000 people in New Jersey enroll at an alcoholism treatment center each year. As one of the most widely abused substances and the leading cause of preventable deaths in the U.S., alcohol is also seemingly everywhere. It’s stocked in supermarkets, sold in restaurants, and offered by friends and family in their homes. Yet, once a person develops a substance abuse disorder, alcohol can undermine their life and health.

Quantum Behavioral Health is a leading drug and alcohol addiction treatment center located in Toms River, NJ. We’ve created a safe, low-stress atmosphere where people can get the formal addiction treatment and support they need to end their dependence on alcohol. Managing an alcohol addiction, like any other drug addiction, is a life-long pursuit. Alcoholism is a chronic, relapsing disorder, so it doesn’t go away. It can only be managed successfully with abstinence. So, the goal of disease management is to stop drinking for good–and Quantum, with our alcoholism treatment programs available, can help.

Centrally located on the NJ coast, our Toms River alcohol and drug rehab center is located on Mill St and attracts clients from all over the region who want to overcome their dependence on alcohol or drugs. With our support and individualized treatment plans, we can help you achieve the recovery you crave.

What Is Alcohol Rehab Like?

The Quantum alcohol rehab experience is different from other New Jersey rehab centers because our clinicians and counseling associates prioritize making connections with each client, getting to know them personally in order to support them during this challenging period of their lives. At our counseling center and prescription rehab in New Jersey, clients can immerse themselves in their therapy while we provide them with the tools and resources they need to manage their condition.

What to Expect During Rehab

After alcohol or drug detox, the rehab process focuses on the psychological and behavioral aspects of addiction. In order to manage the triggers that led them to drink, clients must learn to identify and control them. Our therapists provide them with the strategies to do that. When entering our treatment facility, clients can expect a streamlined intake process that allows us to recommend the right course of treatment for their needs. Then, we can begin with both medically sanctioned and holistic treatments designed to promote recovery.

How Long Is Alcohol Rehab?

How long a person spends in any rehab program such as inpatient treatment or intensive outpatient treatment depends on their individual needs. Partial hospitalization programs and other alcohol recovery programs are often offered on a 30, 60, and 90 day basis. Outpatient treatments often extend residential treatment programs, ensuring that clients receive various levels of care designed to target different aspects of their condition. After formal treatment at an addiction treatment facility, many clients go on to attend 12 step programs, narcotics anonymous, or sober living programs as part of their long-term relapse prevention strategy.

30 Day Rehab

Many treatment centers in New Jersey feature 30 day alcohol rehab programs that include different levels of care. They might offer a residential program or intensive outpatient program. At Quantum, we offer multiple treatment programs, some of which can be completed in 30 days. A month of treatment, however, typically provides the minimum amount of formal treatment that a person needs to achieve recovery. Often, clients will transition from a residential treatment program to outpatient treatment programs to ensure that they have a strong foundation for recovery.

60 Day Rehab

With 60 day alcoholism treatment, clients can get far along the road to recovery with the robust level of support that two months can provide. After completing alcohol detox, clients need time to unravel the maze of how they became addicted and to understand their triggers for abusing alcohol. Then, they need time to develop and practice strategies for managing those triggers. At our addiction treatment center in Toms River, clients get individualized alcohol addiction treatment that can help them ward off relapse and rebuild their lives.

90 Day Rehab

Some addiction treatment centers offer 90 day treatment programs. These inpatient, partial hospitalization, and outpatient programs are ideal for people who need substantial support. These clients may also need dual diagnosis treatments or treatments for both drugs and alcohol. The fact is, short term residential treatment isn’t always enough for many people experiencing alcoholism. A long recovery process isn’t unique; in fact, it’s quite normal, and studies have demonstrated that the longer someone obtains formal treatment for their substance addiction, the less likely they will be to relapse.

Holistic Alcohol Rehab in New Jersey

Alternative and holistic treatments like yoga and arts therapy enhance the alcoholism recovery process while complementing evidence-based therapies like one-on-one counseling. Many holistic alcohol rehab programs help clients successfully manage their stress or other triggers; that makes them crucian for relapse prevention. It’s not surprising that many of the effective activities that clients practice in alcohol and drug rehabs they continue to practice when they return to their everyday lives.

Executive Alcohol Rehab in New Jersey

At Quantum, clients can attend our executive alcohol rehab treatment programs to get the support they need to manage their condition successfully. Clients can get the best treatment team in the region to help them throughout each stage of their recovery journey. Our recovery center features a strong focus on relapse prevention while individualizing treatment for clients from all walks of life, including professionals who want to continue to work and fulfill their outside obligations.

Alcohol Rehab Near Me

Whether you’re from Monmouth County or right here in Toms River Township, NJ, you can find the support you need at our alcohol and drug treatment center. Our treatment facility is located on Mill Street and offers clients a comfortable environment for beginning their recovery process. Whether enrolling in our partial care or outpatient rehab programs, you can expect individual therapy designed to meet your treatment needs.

Breathwork Therapy

Quantum features alternative and holistic treatments like breathwork therapy in addition to our evidence-based behavioral therapy options. One thing is certain about post-rehab life: there will be stress. Everyone faces stress, but for someone in alcohol recovery, effective management of stress is crucial in order to prevent relapse. Breathwork therapy provides clients with techniques for focusing on their breathing in order to cope with stress and other triggers like negative emotions that led them to drink in the first place.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a medically sanctioned treatment for many mental health disorders, including substance use disorders. Psychiatric professionals at Quantum rely on CBT to help clients understand their unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors so that they can change them. These patterns are often highly engrained, but with practice–and mindfulness–clients can develop strategies for replacing problematic ‘automatic’ thoughts with positive ones that enhance the recovery process. Our CBT counseling associates are highly trained and specialize in addiction therapy.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

As a similar treatment to CBT, dialectical behavioral therapy is another evidence-based alcohol and drug treatment. This form of therapy helps clients with distress tolerance. Developing techniques for tolerating emotional discomfort without succumbing to former triggers to use alcohol or drugs is extremely helpful for the recovery process. During these therapy sessions, clients also learn how to communicate more effectively, be more mindful about their thoughts, and improve their regulation of their emotions. The skills they learn during DBT and CBT treatments sessions can help them throughout their road to recovery.

Family Systems Therapy

Though made up of individuals, a family is also a unit. When one person is stressed, for instance, it can stress the entire family. And, of course, each member of the family is likely to cope with stress in different ways, some of which can be unhealthy. During family therapy, our treatment team works with the client’s family to help them improve communication with one another. Stress, poor communication, family issues–these can be triggers for a client to drink or use drugs. By improving how loved ones cope and interact with one another, the entire family can benefit.

Trauma-Informed Therapy

It’s not uncommon for people who develop substance abuse problems to do so while trying to cope with the impact of a past trauma or traumas. Trauma-informed therapy is a highly effective treatment that can help people suffering from addiction or dual diagnosis. Dual diagnosis treatments like trauma therapy help people address both their psychological symptoms of their trauma and their drinking or drug abuse problem.

Why Choose Quantum Behavioral Health for Residential Alcohol Rehab?

Quantum has a reputation throughout New Jersey for our high-quality addiction treatment programs and dedicated staff. Recovery is a positive experience; it may have challenges, but each day affords new insights and improved mental and physical health. Alcoholism robs a person of their health and well-being. At Quantum, we focus on rebuilding each client’s health and helping them protect their future–their sober future. Contact us to learn more about our treatment facility and alcohol or drug rehab program.